€ 4.50 (+IVA)

Hair Bleaches Lighteners
coloring in beeswax cream
Professional hair colouring cream enriched with beeswax and vitamin c. Its innovative formula creates high performance is also the most diverse environmental and climate conditions is making the hair shiny and bright. Its specific active ingredients provide a natural protection of the hair is doing a conditioning action and emollient. ECHOS COLOR ensures full coverage of grey hair and allows you to create long-lasting colours thanks to the antioxidant properties of vitamin C. It is recommended to use in combination with the oxidizing emulsion cream Echosline to ensure high stability of tone of reflection and reduce color toning.
shades: ECHOS COLOR is available in vibrant shades divided into 120 20 series: NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL INTENSE ' ASH ' EXTRA ' MATTE ' BAHIA ' INTENSIVE ' BEIGE ' ASH ' COPPER ' GOLDEN BROWN ' GOLDEN BROWN ' CHOCOLATE BROWN ' TROPICAL GOLDEN COPPER ' AUBURN ' DEEP COPPER ' MAHOGANY ' VIOLA ' ROSSI ' DEEP RED ' ROSSI ' EXTRA ' Tonalizzatori ' 6 4 3 Pastel and Neutral 1 Intensifiers Lighteners.
directions for use: in a non-metallic container ' 1 + 1 is 5 mix (eg: 50 ml of cream + 75 ml of oxidizing emulsion cream Echosline predetermined volumes). The Super-lightening series it should be mixed 1 + 2 (eg 50 ml of cream + 100 ml of oxidizing emulsion Echosline at 40 vol). To use tone-on-tone cream ECHOS COLOR ' as ' coloring and toning shampoo on hair ' 1 + 2 cream dilution is recommended with Activator creamy Echosline at 7 vols. The tonalizzatori Echosline are supposed to have the best result out of funds of applications such as bleaching count ' streaks ' sunburn ' highlights ' contrasts and colours, lighteners.
packaging: 100 ml tube.
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